
  • Pop-Up Swap Shop

    The Pop-Up Swap Shop, an initiative led by the International Office, aims to promote sustainability by encouraging the reuse of everyday items.
  • One Stop Shop

    Would you like to take care of practical matters before classes start? Such as registering at the City Hall? Join one of our One Stop Shops!
    Students at One Stop Shop
  • Sustainable Finance Seminars : A DIT Series

    A sustainable finance seminar series hosted Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker and DIT with a certification.
    Tree Illustration
  • PhD defence N.S. (Noortje) Riedstra

    Hip Morphology and Osteoarthritis: From anatomical variations to clinical implications
  • PhD defence R.J. (Rik) Molenaars

    Ulnar Collateral Ligament Insufficiency of the Elbow in Overhead Athletes: History, workup, and pathoanatomy
  • Valedictory Lecture Prof.dr. R.J. (Robert Jan) Stolker

    The times they are a-changin’
  • Get to know the Library: an introduction

    A good preparation is half the work, and we therefore invite you to this introduction on navigating your Library.
    Wegwijzer introductie workshop UB
  • What does it mean for research to invite non-academics to the table?

    With this meeting, we start the discussion on the normative aspects of responsible, engaged research.
    Overview of Woudestein Campus
  • Open Stage Night

    The monthly Open Stage Night by Studium Generale and ESN Rotterdam
  • PhD defence A.S. (Anouk) Huberts

    Patient-reported Outcomes through the Lens of Patients and Healthcare Professionals: A call to elevate and refine current approach

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