Movers & Shakers: Rianne, Job, Tamar and Marjolein

Movers & Shakers: Rianne, Job, Tamar en Marjolein

Changes in the programme team occur on a regular basis. Our trainee Rianne Nieuwdorp has a new job as policy adviser at OOS starting 1 June. This is a good move because this way Rianne can continue using her talent for EUR. And we’re pleased she will also continue working for the programme one day a week.

Rianne will remain an enthusiastic reporter for vlogEURs. Together with Johan, she will call attention to D=N activities taking place at EUR. She will also continue with guidance activities for the student panel. This allows us to continue benefiting from Rianne’s original and practical working methods.

A new asset for the programme is Job van Maurik. In the coming time he will focus his efforts on plan development for setting up the Innovation Lab. We believe the iLab is the engine that drives educational innovation. Job will assist us in fleshing out our ideas.

We’re also pleased to welcome two new trainees: Tamar van Heyningen and Marjolein Munnikshuis. Tamar will primarily focus on the Vision Action Plan and the structure of the iLab and Online Education. Marjolein will be mainly involved in DLWO Education, specifically the acquisition of a new Learning Management System, as well as the design of the new MyEUR.

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