News overview

79 results

  • Totalitarianism, Freedom, Evil: Introduction to Hannah Arendt

    War, oppression and unrest. In an age characterized by complex social issues, political turbulence and technological progress, Hannah Arendt's ideas seem more r
  • Uncovering War Crimes

    The War in Ukraine, QAnon, the downing of flight MH-17, or the Syrian Civil War. It seems like there is not much one can do about these topics as an ordinary ci
  • (Un)Making a Murderer

    Psychopaths. They have become the elusive focus of many Netflix documentaries and crime podcast in the last decades. However, it is not always clear what it mea
    Person with eyes closed and visible top of the brain
  • Two Chinas?

    The Republic of China. You might think of one of the biggest countries in Asia when you hear this name. However, this is the official name of a small democratic
  • Revolution! The History of Gender Identity

    Men who paint their nails, gender-neutral toilets, and people who no longer identify within the binaries of ‘male’ and ‘female’. In the past years, this has bec
  • Compassion - a new mindset for development studies?

    In his inaugural lecture, Ruard Ganzevoort argues that compassion could offer a new mindset enabling us to reconceive development in non-extractive ways
    Ruard Ganzevoort inaugural
  • The Big Con

    Ever thought about going into consultancy after your studies? It seems to be a sweet job with a competitive salary and the possibility of doing some good for so
  • Why do we protest?

    Protest, uprisings, and demonstrations. We see them more and more nowadays. How do they start and what motivates people to join them?
  • “A Guide to Diversifying and Transforming Football Leadership”

    Jacco van Sterkenburg en Palesa Mashigo present a MOOC on Coursera.
    Woman with football
  • Opinion: Express the discomfort and speak about values

    Stine Jensen, Endowed Professor Public Philosophy, and Ronald van Raak, Professor of Erasmian Values, speak about the debate on values in the Volkskrant.

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