Researcher profielen

55 resultaten

  • (Lisenne) LIS Giel, MSc

    Lisenne Giel grew up in Rotterdam where she studied Industrial & Organizational Psychology. She has always been interested in research & academia. She…
    (Lisenne) LIS Giel, MSc
  • dr. (Monica) MA Gomez Ospina

    dr. (Monica) MA Gomez Ospina
  • (Lexi) AE Grantz, MSc

    (Lexi) AE Grantz, MSc
  • (Amarantha) A Groen, MA

    Amarantha Groen is a Lecturer in the Humanities at Erasmus University College. Groen teaches courses on all levels within the Humanities department at EUC,…
    (Amarantha) A Groen, MA
  • (Tamara) T de Groot, MPhil

    Tamara de Groot is at home in the field of art and culture, with a background in art history with a dash of literature and film studies. After studing at…
    (Tamara) T de Groot, MPhil
  • (Marieke) MGE de Haan, MSc

    (Marieke) MGE de Haan, MSc
  • (Boutaina) B Hammana, MA

    (Boutaina) B Hammana, MA
  • dr. (Marieke) MA Hartman

    Dr. Marieke Hartman has a Public Health background, with a particular interest in bridging public health research and practice. Marieke Hartman finished her MSc…
    dr. (Marieke) MA Hartman
  • (Tim) TM Hensley

    I am a Lecturer in Social and Behavioural Sciences at Erasmus University College, where I also mentor first-year students and assist in organising the…
    (Tim) TM Hensley
  • (Bart) B Hesseling, MA

    (Bart) B Hesseling, MA

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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