Researcher profielen

  • (Haya) HBA Alfarra

    Haya AlFarra is an external part-time PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. She holds an MA in…
    (Haya) HBA Alfarra
  • dr. (Andreas) A Alfons

    dr. (Andreas) A Alfons
  • (Mariam) MP Ali

    (Mariam) MP Ali
  • (Mahsa) M Alirezaei, MSc

    (Mahsa) M Alirezaei, MSc
  • (Elias) EA Aliverti

    (Elias) EA Aliverti
  • dr. (Jorrit) J Alkema

    dr. (Jorrit) J Alkema
  • (Elise) EA Alkemade, MSc

    Elise Alkemade is a PhD candidate in the Department of Media and Communication at ESHCC. Her research project is about trust and trust-alternatives in…
    (Elise) EA Alkemade, MSc
  • (Sanne) S Allers

    (Sanne) S Allers
  • dr. (Nuno) NM Almeida Camacho

    Nuno Camacho is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In hist research…
    dr. (Nuno) NM Almeida Camacho
  • (Abdulrhman) AA Alsayel

    Abdulrhman Alsayel is passionate to build a place that builds people, specialized in built environment sustainability, mainly in inclusive urban prosperity and…
    (Abdulrhman) AA Alsayel

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