
Campus V H M buildings

We offer a broad range of courses. From academic courses that focus on specific topics (from Business Management to International Health Policy) to language courses and lectures. There's always an interesting course for you at Erasmus University Rotterdam!

Overview courses

  • Senior Examiner Qualification

    The Senior Examiner Qualification track helps (future) members of examination boards and program coordinators/directors to strengthen their knowledge and skills
  • The Art of Questioning

    As a teacher, do you want to excel in engaging your students? Our new MicroLab on the Art of Questioning is exactly what you need!
  • How to use AI as a teacher (for beginners)

    Learn the basics of AI and how to apply this innovative technology in your education.
  • How to create an educational video

    Learn how to structure, script, and record an educational video that you can use within your own course.
  • Strategic Communication

    This course focuses on how to identify strategic threats and contributions to organisations that can be managed by corporate communications.
  • Impact driven education

    Learn how to familiarize yourself with the principles of impact-driven education and move through a creative process to explore what it means for you
  • Reputation Management

    Learn the latest academic knowledge and best practices for managing reputations to attract better investors, customers and employees for your organisation.
  • How to design an assessment plan for your course (BEQ)

    Learn how to design and develop an assessment plan for your course.
  • How to engage your students with Storytelling and Theatre Skills

    Learn how to motivate your students and target their attention to the topic or issue you want them to focus on
  • How to construct exams & questions (BEQ)

    Learn how to apply to the quality criteria for MC & open ended questions to ensure the optimal utility.

Language & Training Centre

Spanish 2024


Study at home - follow one of our MOOCs!

Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

Deep Dives

An Academic Writing selfstudy

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)

Start investing in your learning

Woman stands in front of the Rotterdam Central station.

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