News overview

4 results

  • Paradise lost

    Shirley Nieuwland doesn’t just want people to travel sustainably (by avoiding climate-polluting air travel, for instance), but also to support local populations,
  • "It shouldn’t be a case of ‘ROBOT SAYS NO’"

    Three scientists share their vision and explain why we’re ready for change and shouldn’t be fearful.
  • Listening to Music in Black and White

    To what extent and how are ethnoracial divisions constructed and dismantled in music reception? This is what Julian Schaap researches in his dissertation, which…
  • What’s the role of philosophy in today’s society?

    We asked two thinkers to weigh in: Nizar El Manouzi, a double-degree student of medicine and philosophy, and prof. dr. Marli Huijer, former Philosopher Laureate…

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