Researcher profiles

  • (Brigit) B Rijbroek

    (Brigit) B Rijbroek
  • dr. (Susan) EHM van Rijen

    dr. (Susan) EHM van Rijen
  • (Sam) SM Rijken

    (Sam) SM Rijken
  • (Lotte) LHM van Rijn

    (Lotte) LHM van Rijn
  • (Linda) CAM van Rijn

    (Linda) CAM van Rijn
  • (Lisanne) L van Rijn - Szewczyk, MSc

    (Lisanne) L van Rijn - Szewczyk, MSc
  • (Matteo) M Rinaldi, MSc

    (Matteo) M Rinaldi, MSc
  • dr. (Ank) AP Ringoot

    Ank Ringoot is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
    dr. (Ank) AP Ringoot
  • prof.dr. (Marcel) M van Rinsum

    Marcel van Rinsum is Professor of Accounting & Incentives After obtaining a MSc in Business Economics with a specialization in Financial Management from the…
    prof.dr. (Marcel) M van Rinsum
  • dr. (Laura) L Ripoll Gonzalez

    Dr Ripoll Gonzalez has expertise in the fields of public administration, place branding and sustainable regional development. An MSCA fellow, Dr Ripoll Gonzalez…
    dr. (Laura) L Ripoll Gonzalez

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