Programmatic assessment in action: The Genomics and the City assignment

CLI Network Lunch
erasmus mc open dag
Thursday 12 Jan 2023, 12:00 - 13:00
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Education Lab
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Logo Genomics in Society

Join us for this month's CLI Network Event! Enjoy a free lunch, while hearing more about the interesting innovations taking place at Erasmus University. This time, Atze Bergsma will talk about programmatic assessment in action: The Genomics and the City assignment.

At the beginning of this academic year, a new Research Master program, Genomics in Society, has opened its doors to students from varying types of educational backgrounds. This master program aims to educate students to become bridge builders between the scientific community researching genomic issues and societal stakeholders. The Genomics and the City assignment is part of this curriculum. This 20 EC assignment runs throughout year 1 of the master and is programmatically assessed.

During this assignment, a group of students will identify a genomics issue that plays within society and will design and implement a tailor made solution to this problem, using the design thinking approach (see attached figure). Throughout the assignment datapoints are gathered and reflections are written by the students that show the students growth throughout the assignment.

In this presentation we will look in depth how this assignment has been developed, how the students are being evaluated, and what the students have delivered so far.

Picture of Atze Bergsma

About the speaker

Atze Bergsma is a postdoctoral researcher and a first year coordinator of the new Research Master Genomics in Society. He obtained his doctoral degree in 2016 on the subject of RNA-mediated therapy for Pompe disease. Currently his research focusses on the optimization of uptake of this therapy in skeletal muscle tissue. Since 2020 he is involved in education as a teacher focusing on gene-editing / genomic engineering. Furthermore, Atze has been involved in the development of the Genomics in Society Research Master. In particular, he is coordinator of the genomic engineering course and the Genomics and the City assignment, and oversees the educational program of the first year of the master.

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More information

Date: Thursday 12 January
Time: 12:00 - 13:00 (doors open at 11:45)
Location: Erasmus Education Lab
Entrance: free (including lunch!)

Organised by the Community for Learning & Innovation

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