Erasmus University Rotterdam

Making Minds Matter
Campus woudestein in summer

110 years of Erasmus University Rotterdam

This entire academic year we put extra emphasis on learning, discovery and celebration together.

people posing for the picture

EUR in Focus

Discover our latest stories on education and research in our online magazine EUR in Focus.

Animated logo of the EUR in Focus online magazine
  • Voting at Erasmus University Rotterdam

    Will you be voting? You can do so at various polling stations at our university!
    Voting in Theil Hall
  • Launch Arts, Culture, and Creativity Community

    Join the Arts, Culture, and Creativity community. A community of Erasmus University Rotterdam researchers and practitioners working on meaningful impact.
    Four colleagues having a conversation.
  • Great Dutch Student Championship (GNSK)

    The GNSK, with 2000+ participants, is the Netherlands' biggest student sports event. The 64th edition is in Rotterdam, hosted by Student Sports Netherlands.
    Girl stretches on a yoga mat.

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