
Campus V H M buildings

De Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam heeft een ruim aanbod aan interessante cursussen. Van talencursus tot post-academisch onderwijs, er is voor elk wat wils. Medecursisten zijn vaak collega’s uit uw eigen vakgebied. Zo kunt u als bijkomend voordeel een netwerk opbouwen van waardevolle contacten uit het bedrijfsleven en de wetenschap.

Overzicht cursussen

36 resultaten

  • Leading Change

    Train to lead change successfully with the theoretical background and the practical know-how to transparently plan, implement and evaluate complex change…
  • Leading with Decicion-Driven Analytics

    Learn new ways of thinking to keep your decision-making relevant.
  • Leading with Presence

    Focus on your non-verbal presentation and strengths, and learn how to communicate with power and impact.
  • Make Strategy Work

    Learn how to successfully turn high-level strategic imperatives and concepts into action for teams and individuals.
  • MOOC Principles of Sustainable Finance

    Tijdens deze cursus leer je meer over duurzaam bankieren en asset management, over effectief engagement, duurzame scenario analyses en lange-termijn
  • Negotiating for Success: Women, Careers and Business

    This workshop gives you tools, techniques, and a theoretical framework to improve your negotiation skills.
  • Port Executive Leadership Circle

    Acquire the leadership skills and partner with other international port executives to conquer the challenges within the rapidly changing port industry.
  • Project Management in Practice

    Explore the best-practice tools, management models and people skills you need to become an effective project manager.
  • RSM Business Valuation

    Become an expert in measuring value and create a decisive edge over your competitors.
  • RSM Diploma Programme in General Management

    The fast track for young professionals who move into the role of a manager or supervisor for the first time. Acquire techniques and competences to run your team


Bekijk het hele aanbod.

Flags Erasmus Woudestein

Taal- & Trainingscentrum

Spanish 2024

Deep Dives

Een zelfstudie in Academic Writing.

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)


Studeren vanuit huis - volg een MOOC!

Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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