Binding Study Advice

Erasmus University Rotterdam uses a binding study advice (BSA) system for all bachelor programmes. The binding study advice means that you need to obtain a minimum amount of European credits (EC) in your first year of registration to be able to continue your studies. One year of studies adds up to 60 EC. 1 EC is roughly 28 working hours.

As a full-time bachelor student you must obtain all 60 EC* in the first year. Every course in the first year is equivalent to a set number of credits. The credits for the courses you have passed can simply be added up in order to determine the total amount of credits you have earned and how many you still need to earn to fulfill the requirement.

If you do not fulfill the standard of the binding study advice, and if there are no special circumstances, you will be given a negative study advice that is binding. This means that you are not allowed to continue the programme. You are then not allowed to re-apply for the programme for the next three years.

* For the bachelor Medicine, you need to obtain a minimum of 30 EC in the first year.

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