
49 results

  • International Arbitration

    This LL.M. programme provides its graduates with a unique set of international arbitration skills together with solid expertise in international business law.
  • International Business Law

    Master in International Business Law: This LL.M. covers the legal aspects of international trade and commerce. Read more about this study programme.
  • International Master’s in Advanced Research in Criminology (IMARC)

    IMARC is a two-year research oriented programme and educates students who are able to contribute to solving issues in the field of migration, border crossing, s
  • International Public Management and Public Policy

    Master in International Public Management and Public Policy: This study focuses on the increasingly international nature of public management and policy-making.
  • Managing Art and Cultural Heritage in Global Markets (MAGMa)

    In this two-year, International Erasmus Mundus Master, you study how to manage art and cultural heritage under global markets conditions.
  • Maritime & Transport Law

    Master in Maritime & Transport Law: The programme provides you with thorough, in-depth knowledge of the dynamic world of maritime and transport law.
  • Media & Business

    The digital revolution and globalisation have transformed the media business and other industries. Media & Business allows you to explore these developments.
  • Media & Creative Industries

    Trace, analyse, and address key developments and challenges in the media and creative industries during this innovative and international specialisation.
  • Media, Culture & Society

    Learn the key tools to examine and understand the complex and changing roles of the media in our personal, political, and cultural lives.
  • Media, Digitalisation & Social Impact

    Are you interested in the social, cultural and ethical consequences of new and established technologies? Then this is the right master programme for you!

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