Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform

A space for transformative and transdisciplinary academic work
Koppel loopt langs de Maas

The Design Impact Transition (DIT) Platform at Erasmus University empowers radically new ways to do research, education and engagement for a just and sustainable future. We bring together academics, students, non-academic staff and external stakeholders around complex and persistent societal challenges.

Learn about our vision and how we work


My time as a “complex” and “un-disciplined” architect at DIT

An account from visiting researcher Marida Borello of her time and experience within the DIT ecosystem.

Radical Imagination in Transition: Bridging social arts and transition practices

A vision paper aiming for social art practices to be infused with radical imagination, empowering transformative research practices.

Pilot: Transformative education learning program

An experimental learning journey for EUR teachers running from March to November 2023 with the support from the Community for Learning and Innovation. 

How can a Picture Speak a Thousand Words in Research? Insights into Photo Voice Method

A blog as part of the Transformative Research Method Series by DIT Platform.
Pictures on a desk

New Report Released by DIT in Collaboration with the ACCEZ Programme: Funding and Governing Transdisciplinary Research

DIT wrapping up a year of fruitful collaboration with the ACCEZ programme: Funding and Governing Transdisciplinary Research.

The 4-day Workweek: A possibility at EUR?

The merits of a 4-day workweek in the Erasmian context: A potential future?
table discussion

Registration closes 27 October Climate & Ecological Literacy to Action Workshop

An immersion workshop series providing insights and high-impact approaches to carbon emission reductions, biodiversity support and ecosystem harmonization.
Students talking in Polak

The Future of the Academia: Looking back on the DIT Day 2023

An overview of DIT Day 2023 - A day to look back and continue forward.
DIT Day Crowd

The Holistic University: How can educators support the ‘inner development’ of students?

A reflection on the workshop “The Holistic University” hosted during DIT Day 2023.
People smiling

The Regenerative University: Exploring Systemic Futures

Utilizing micro-phenomenology and ‘reverse fishbowling’, DIT organized a workshop where we co-imagined futures for a regenerative university in 2043.
Men in a circle


Sustainable Finance Seminars : A DIT Series

A sustainable finance seminar series hosted Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker and DIT with a certification.
Tree Illustration

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