
Campus V H M buildings

We offer a broad range of courses. From academic courses that focus on specific topics (from Business Management to International Health Policy) to language courses and lectures. There's always an interesting course for you at Erasmus University Rotterdam!

Overview courses

38 results

  • Organisational Change

    Learn about change and development applied to organisations, groups and individuals, and explore how theoretical perspectives are reflected in a range of…
  • Advanced Management and Leadership Programme

    Sharpen your critical thinking skills and enable you to enhance your impact as a leader.
  • Communication with Power and Impact for Women

    Understand and master the effects of body language and tone to increase your power and influence through communication.
  • Digital Analytics and Customer Insights

    Learn about data management methods, tools and strategies to optimise performance and business intelligence.
  • Digital and AI Strategy

    Confidently assess the dynamics of the digital landscape, and formulate a sound strategic response.
  • Digital Innovation

    Respond to change driven by digital disruption by leveraging fundamental digital technologies and turning them into concrete business opportunities.
  • Digital Leadership and Change

    Develop the critical skills and responsibilities needed to adapt team and organisational capabilities to effectively integrate digital transformations.
  • Diploma Programme in Digital Transformation

    Become a better digital transformation advisor in your organisation by applying new knowledge and skills to your business challenge.
  • Earth Economics

    This is a course for Earthlings that want to understand how economic policy making can move beyond narrow national interests and how global public goods can be…
  • Effective Negotiating Skills

    Gain the essential negotiation knowledge and skills you need to negotiate effectively in business.

Language & Training Centre

Spanish 2024


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Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

Deep Dives

An Academic Writing selfstudy

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)

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Woman stands in front of the Rotterdam Central station.

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