
We live in an ever-changing world, trends follow each other in rapid succession and our living and working environment is increasingly influenced by technology. This demands a lot from us; we have to be able to move with the times, be agile and keep learning and developing different or new skills. 

That is why EUR wants to strengthen the "Digital Skills" or "21st century skills" of its employees, enabling them to work effectively (together) in a diverse, demanding and constantly changing international environment. Paying attention to employees' "Digital Skills" is necessary because EUR wants to timely anticipate the impact of an increasingly digitalised working environment.   

To this end, we have established the "Digital Skills" programme. Here, we offer a standard training programme and are happy to work with you to create a tailor-made programme that suits your needs to become and stay fit for the future.


Digital Skills?

What exactly are digital skills? We work with a competency framework for digital skills based on a model developed by the European Commission. 

Within the competence framework for Digital Skills, 6 themes are central. Within the Digital Skills learning line, we offer training within these competence areas and develop tailor-made solutions to match them in various learning formats.


1. ICT basic skills 
Having sufficient knowledge and skills to work with (basic) technology and IT applications in the work environment.

2. Information & Data Processing
The skills to work with data, data and information and create meaningful insights. This means being able to locate and retrieve data, digital data, and information while assessing its credibility.

3. Media Literacy
Understanding how modern media works and recognising the positive and negative effects of its use in professional contexts.

4. Communication & Collaboration
Interact, communicate and collaborate via digital technologies, taking into account cultural differences in the working environment.

5. Safety & Security​
Protecting devices, documents and personal data in a digital working environment.

6. Problem Solving
Identifying needs and problems in a constantly changing and more digitised environment. Using digital tools to innovate processes and keep abreast of digital trends and developments.


Erasmus University has the ambition to strengthen the Digital Skills of its employees to embrace the opportunities of digitisation and to make their work more effective and enjoyable so that they can continue to create a positive social impact.

In addition, from HR LCC & EDIS, the initiative was born to strengthen and improve the Digital Skills of EUR employees so that they can continue to enjoy performing their work efficiently in a highly digitising work environment. 


  • Creating awareness of the opportunities of digitalisation and its benefits for the work of EUR employees
  • Enhancing EUR employees' Digital Skills so that they can be more effective and their work remains fun and relevant in the future.
  • Creating a standard training offer for Digital Skills and custom-made learning pathways to ensure EUR employees' digital fitness. 

Vienna Lomonov-Seltenrijch

Programme Manager Digital Skills – vienna.lomonov@eur.nl

Marja Lakwijk

L&D Advisor - marja.lakwijk@eur.nl

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Would you also like to work on your Digital Skills? Or can you help us identify needs that live within EUR regarding digital skills development?  Or do you have specific digital skills and knowledge yourself that you would like to share? Get in touch with us.

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