Erasmus University Rotterdam

Making Minds Matter
Two women walk across campus in the sun.

110 years of Erasmus University Rotterdam

This entire academic year we put extra emphasis on learning, discovery and celebration together.

people posing for the picture

EUR in Focus

Discover our latest stories on education and research in our online magazine EUR in Focus.

Animated logo of the EUR in Focus online magazine
  • Pilot Taaltrip Academic Outreach Programme

    With the project Taaltrip, primary school children are welcomed in a new environment and get acquainted with the vocabulary that is related to that environment.
    People on campus Woudestein.
  • Yogaclass in the Laurenskerk

    As part of International Yoga Day, Erasmus Sport is organizing another special yoga session in the Laurenskerk Rotterdam on June 21.
    yoga class in church
  • (Re)mapping Rotterdam

    (Re)mapping Rotterdam event delving into the current landscape of diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and empowerment in the city.
    Straat in Rotterdam in de zomer.

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