Rates premasters

Studenten lopen door de hal van het Sanders gebouw

Do you have questions about premaster rules or rates?

Our answers to frequently asked questions about the fee you pay if you follow a pre-master's program can be found in ASK Erasmus.

NB! Students who are simultaneously enrolled at Erasmus University Rotterdam or another institution of higher education and who pay the statutory tuition fee for that enrollment are exempt from paying the premaster fee when enrolling for the premaster.

Download the premaster rates for 2023-2024 below. For premasters less than 60 EC you pay a proportional part of the tuition fee. You will receive a refund if you deregister (interim) before 1 June of the academic year. There is then no longer an uninterrupted registration.

For more information, also see the page for the premaster programmes.

Students enrolled in a premaster programme pay the proportional part of the statutory or institutional tuition fee once. The Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) of the relevant programme states that students are allowed to take a maximum of one or two years over the programme. Check the relevant TER to find out which rule applies for your premaster. If there is a maximum of two years, the second year of study there is free re-enrolment, provided the student stays enrolled continuously. If this maximum duration is exceeded, the tuition fee must be paid again as stipulated in section 3.5 of the Enrolment and Tuition Fees Regulations EUR.

Transitional arrangement for institutional tuition fees Erasmus School of Economics 2025-2026
Non-EEA pre-master students  at ESE who are enrolled in academic year 2024-2025 and are enrolling for an ESE master programme in 2025-2026 without interruption, pay a one-time slightly lower institutional tuition fee in 2025-2026, being € 18.500 instead of € 19.950.

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