
Campus V H M buildings

De Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam heeft een ruim aanbod aan interessante cursussen. Van talencursus tot post-academisch onderwijs, er is voor elk wat wils. Medecursisten zijn vaak collega’s uit uw eigen vakgebied. Zo kunt u als bijkomend voordeel een netwerk opbouwen van waardevolle contacten uit het bedrijfsleven en de wetenschap.

Overzicht cursussen

53 resultaten

  • Finance for Communication Professionals

    Explore the fundamentals of financial reporting, financial statements, and financial value concepts. Having a good understanding about these finance topics…
  • Navigating the Stakeholder Media Landscape

    Learn to identify strategies appropriate to mainstream media, stakeholder-driven media, social media and fake news in this three-day masterclass.
  • Advanced Management and Leadership Programme

    Sharpen your critical thinking skills and enable you to enhance your impact as a leader.
  • Business Valuation Workshop Fiscale Veranderingen 2022

    De financiële wereld is volop in beweging: investeringen, acquisities, fusies en desinvesteringen zijn aan de orde van de dag. Het is van essentieel belang dat…
  • Co-creation and Stakeholder Engagement

    How can organisations use co-creation to strengthen relationships with stakeholder groups? 
  • Communication with Power and Impact for Women

    Understand and master the effects of body language and tone to increase your power and influence through communication.
  • Corporate Branding

    Learn how to lead the building process for a strong and enduring corporate brand that gives focus to the entire organisation, and aligns its diverse…
  • Crisis Communication

    Investigate all aspects of crisis communication for managers. You will learn specific tools on how to deal with employees, customers and the media to apply…
  • Digital Analytics and Customer Insights

    Learn about data management methods, tools and strategies to optimise performance and business intelligence.
  • Digital and AI Strategy

    Confidently assess the dynamics of the digital landscape, and formulate a sound strategic response.


Bekijk het hele aanbod.

Flags Erasmus Woudestein

Taal- & Trainingscentrum

Spanish 2024

Deep Dives

Een zelfstudie in Academic Writing.

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)


Studeren vanuit huis - volg een MOOC!

Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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