Academic ceremonies

Erasmus University Rotterdam organises several academic ceremonies every year. These events have become an important part of our traditions and history.

Opening of the academic year

This event takes place on the first Monday of September. During this ceremony, the Rector Magnificus and guest speakers discuss the central theme of that year's edition. Also, the Education Prize and the Research Prize are being granted to excellent teachers and scholars of our university.

Dies natalis

On 8 November, Erasmus University Rotterdam celebrates its birthday. On 8 November 1913, the Nederlandsche Handels-Hoogeschool (NHH) was being founded, the first predecessor of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

During the celebration, the Rector Magnificus gives a lecture. Also, the university awards several honorary doctorates to distinguished scholars. Like the Opening of the Academic Year, the ceremony starts with the entrance of the professors in their academic togas, the managers and student associations.

Upcoming academic events

  • PhD defence by Jimena Pacheco Miranda

    In her PhD Jimena Pacheco Miranda explores the impact of 3 shocks that affected Ecuador in 1999 (economic crisis), in 2016 (earthquake) and in 2020 (Covid)
    Jimena Pancheco

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