After graduation

International Bachelor in Psychology

Opportunities after graduating

Studying psychology gives you a multitude of opportunities with regard to your future career. You can, for example, become a trainer, selection and assessment advisor, HR consultant, coach or occupational health professional. Graduates of this programme also become researchers at companies and organisations, such as educational consultancies, school inspection services or research agencies.

Furthermore, a master degree in Psychology provides you with a solid basis to pursue a PhD. Moreover, the faculty offers workshops based on the needs of the students in case of career development. 

If you want to become a clinical psychologist or health care professional, it is important to realise that a bachelor and a master degree are insufficient. In the Netherlands, postdoctoral training for clinical psychologists is required. If you want to pursue a career as a clinical psychologist in another country, there might be different requirements. These requirements are usually determined by psychologists' national associations. If you are interested in working within the clinical sector in the Netherlands, then learning the Dutch language is an absolute prerequisite.

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Moreover, most professors and tutors have backgrounds as therapists, which brought such valuable perspectives to the classroom that couldn't be obtained from books.
With an especially modern approach, this master offers a challenging and intriguing programme!
Kira Urmes testimonial
This master is an awesome programme that’s given me a practical foundation to start working in health psychology!
Julie Landsman-Gerjoi

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