The Erasmus Charity Run 2023 was a huge success! On the 16th of April 2023, students, employees, alumni, and affiliates of Erasmus University Rotterdam have participated in the NN Marathon Rotterdam #demooiste to raise money for scholarships.
The Erasmus Charity Run is a special part of the official Rotterdam Marathon. Participants may run the 10.55-kilometre race or the 42.195-kilometre marathon. Students, academics, staff, alumni, and affiliates are welcome to join the Erasmus Charity Run of Erasmus University Rotterdam. An unforgettable experience, and for a good cause.
The Erasmus Charity Run is a great example of an initiative of Erasmus University that aims to create social impact. Runners at the Charity Run raise funds for scholarships. This way, talented but disadvantaged students are enabled to pursue academic studies.
Register for the Erasmus Charity Run 2024!
Run, donate and make a positive impact.
Run for scholarships
Together, we donate our time and energy to raise money for as many scholarships as possible. These scholarships are intended for candidates who have great potential but have less chance of following a study due to their background. Each scholarship amounts to € 15.000, with which students can pay their expenses for living, traveling and books. In most programs, recipients of the scholarship do not have to pay an institute fee and only pay the statutory tuition fees, their visa and insurance. This way, the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus Trustfonds offers scholarships that give talented students opportunities.
This year, we raised € 21.203,00, a record, will you help us to double the amount next year, and make dreams come true?
Keep an eye on for more information!
If you have any questions about the Erasmus Charity Run, you can contact our team via the website.
And you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram!