UoW Exploration Seminar 2011

During the summer of 2011, students from the University of Washington (School of Information) visited visiting the Netherlands on their Exploration Seminar Program. Part of this program is a series of lectures hosted by the Erasmus Studio on various topics.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

1. Analyzing and Visualizing Social Networks of Members of Parliament

Maarten Marx (UvA)

Thursday 25 August 2011

2. Text Mining for Cultural Heritage

Marieke van Erp (VU Amsterdam)

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Martijn Kleppe (FHSK/ACCES)

Thursday 1 September 2011

4. Online Repertoire Formation

Peter Boot & Karina van Dalen (Huygens Instituut)

Tuesday 6 September 2011

5. The New Information Science: from Paul Otlet's Universal Decimal Classification to Wikipedia

Andrea Scharnhorst (VKS KNAW)

Wednesday 7 September 2011

6. Usability of AXES Technology & Tour of Institute of Sound and Vision (Hilversum)

Roeland Ordelman (NiSV)

Thursday 8 September

7. eResearch: Scope and Implications

Paul Wouters (VKS KNAW)

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Stef Scagliola (Veteraneninstituut)

Thursday 15 September 2011

9. Digital Libraries, Digital Resources, Digital Archives: New Challenges for the Information Providers

Andrea Scharnhorst (VKS KNAW)

In addition to the lectures above, the students also had guided tours to the NAI Archives, EUR Library, TU Delft Library, and the Royal Library.

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