Visiting universities in Shanghai

Tinbergen gebouw

In September 2013, as a part of the Rotterdam delegation, headed by the President of Erasmus, Mrs. Pauline van der Meer Mohr, the EUR visited the following universities in Shanghai and Beijing.

In Shanghai the delegation visited Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE, 上海财经大学), Shanghai Normal University (上海师范大学) and Tongji University (同济大学). In Beijing the delegation visited CSC and National Academy of Mayors (NAMC) at which there is a training taking place now. And also Philips was visited and there was a workshop in Fudan University, by the Erasmus MC.  

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

On the afternoon of 10th September, the President of Erasmus, Mrs. Pauline van der Meer Mohr together with Mr. Ton van der Pijl, Mrs. Weichia Tseng and Mrs. Yaxian Wu, arrived at SUFE. They were greated by a large delegation, among which Prof. Fan Liming, president of SUFE and Prof. Zhou Zhongfei, Vice President of SUFE.

Sufe and Erasmus University share many common grounds, such as the founding date, academic setting and featured disciplines especially in the field of finance and economics. Both universities will explore more and better ways to cooperate, suggesting the establishment of summer school exchanges, direct campus-to-campus cooperation and a “Friendly School Day”. President Van der Meer Mohr addressed that both teachers and students should continue to carry out more case studies and discussions via the internet. Both sides welcomed these proposals and expressed their hope to implement these ideas in the near future.

From the EUR, Prof. Enrico Pennings, professor at the Department of Applied Economics, gave lectures at SUFE for two months. And so did colleague Dr. Bas Karreman. They were not present at the signing ceremony.

The centerstage of this meeting was the extension of the MoU contract. Both parties signed and are looking forward to continue successful future collaborations.  


Shanghai Normal University

The following day, a visit to Shanghai Normal University was visited.

This time the delegation consisted of Mr. Kees van Rooijen, Mr. Ton van der Pijl and Mrs. Weichia Tseng. And they were welcomed by Mr. Zhang Minxuan (President), Mr. Gao Ju (Vice President) and Mr. Bai Yimin (Director of International Exchange Division).

Shanghai Normal University shares a bond with the EUR primarily though IHS. This collaboration has been established in the past and proved to be of great value. Recently, both universities have expressed desires to find more common ground to extend further collaboration.

Tongji University

Tongji University was also visited. This was to explore further collaborations with this prestigious institute. Tongji University has been on the interest of the EUR for quite a while, specificly their faculty of Urban Architecture, at which the EUR's IHS hopes to establish mutual future benefits from.


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