FAQ for PhD supervisors

Bezige student

The professors should fill in the form ‘CSC PhD Project Description’ (available upon request at csc@eur.nl). Every year there is a new cycle, which will be revealed once determined.

Regarding the form 'CSC PhD Project Description':

  • The abstract - a short project description, to which there’s no limitation but it is recommended to keep it to 1 page.
  • The requirements of candidate - the background (and preferences or experiences) of candidates should be mentioned.

The supervisors must be professors, which is the requirement of China Scholarship Council (CSC). However, assistant professor or researchers can hand in the proposal but must be under supervision of one full professor.



All proposals submitted by professors will be published and submitted to CSC before the deadline.

There is no limitation for the description, but it is recommended to keep it to 2 pages.

CV is not necessary yet, but publication within 3-5 years must be submitted.

The candidate is required to enclose the CV of his/her promoter with the submission. This will give the candidate an impression of the research and the promoter. The CV needs to contain the following:

  • Research projects of the last 5 years;
  • List of publications of the last 5 years;
  • The university/institute the promoter is attached to.

There are two ways you can promote your application. First, you can send your proposal to some universities via your own network in China. Second, Chinese students who have completed their masters in Europe can also apply for CSC scholarship, which means you also can promote your application via your own network in Europe.

The candidate is asked to submit a research proposal upon application for a PhD position in order for professors to examine the writing skills.

    • Acceptance letter printed on original EUR paper (see ‘Letter of Acceptance’ at bottom)
    • Please fill in the spaces with correct information. Send a scanned version to the candidate and csc@eur.nl.
    • Send the original letter to the candidate.
    • The candidate needs to send the letter to the International Office of his/hers home university.

    CSC won’t provide any further support on the extension of 4-year PhD program. However, you may want to discuss alternative and possible support from other channels that is known by your supervisor. One thing worth mentioning is that you cannot accept another scholarship if you are already awarded the CSC one. 

    The supervisor/faculty does not have to pay any salary to the PhD student. CSC should cover all living expenses.

    Unlike the salary, bench-fees and other costs that may occur during the research, need to be covered by the research school themselves. The CSC does not fund any additional costs. The PhD candidates should inform and receive prior permission by their faculty or their supervisor. It is advised to assess each request in regard to their necessity and relevance.

    Under the condition that all the involved institutions (the company/university you work for, CSC and the Chinese Embassy) give permission allowing the PhD continue with the Postdoc research, you are given an extension of maximum 2 years for the Post-doc program.

    1. The CSC PhD must apply for it to the Chinese Embassy at least 2 months before the graduation in person.
    2. The school, the company or the supervisor must provide evidence that it has the intention to work with the PhD for further research.
    3. The Chinese Embassy will hand in the request to CSC.
    4. CSC will consider the request regarding the research topic and give approval when it fits the current development stage of China.
    5. After research, the Postdoc must hand in their achievements of the research to CSC.
    6. Note: all the cost must be covered by the candidates themselves.

    Vergelijk @count opleiding

    • @title

      • Tijdsduur: @duration
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