Thomas Wiemann

I was looking for a challenging programme in an international and diverse environment that provides students not only with deep economic insights, but also with valuable quantitative skills to model and solve problems that go beyond the economic field. I found that here.

Thomas Wiemann

Student BSc²

Already in high school, I was intrigued by the complexity of economic issues and their importance in business and everyday-life alike. That is why I decided to turn it into my profession by studying economics. The Double bachelor BSc² in Econometrics and Economics programme here at Erasmus School of Economics was a perfect fit. I was looking for a challenging programme in an international and diverse environment that provides students not only with deep economic insights, but also with valuable quantitative skills to model and solve problems that go beyond the economic field. I found that here.

Besides the academic curriculum, there are countless opportunities for students to challenge themselves and excel in their passions: student, study, and sport associations make campus life vivid through the many events organised by and for students. And while it is fun and rewarding to participate, it is even more fun to design, organise, and lead them yourself. I could not be happier about the many things I've learned and the experiences I've had whilst involved in the local student organisations. I have no doubt that they have not only given me an edge in the competitive job market, but have also enabled me to build a network of great friends all over the world.

If you like mathematics and economics, and are eager to challenge yourself and push your limits, the Double bachelor BSc² in Econometrics and Economics programme might be interesting for you!

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