Boudewijn Martens

Studying in Rotterdam is an amazing experience. After I obtained my Bachelor degree at the Erasmus School of Economics I had no intention to leave the city and the faculty.

Boudewijn Martens

Student MSc Accounting, Auditing and Control

"Studying in Rotterdam is an amazing experience. After I obtained my Bachelor degree at the Erasmus School of Economics I had no intention to leave the city and the faculty.

Rotterdam has a lot to offer to accounting students because all big and mid-size audit firms are located in Rotterdam. The Big Four audit firms also cooperate with the Erasmus School of Economics by offering specific skills training to students. So you learn from theory, but you’ll also receive additional experiences and training from real practitioners! This combination of theory and practice is valuable for future CPAs.

Also beside my study the Erasmus School of Economics offered me more than a solid education. I was able to join the Education Committee to improve the programme from a student’s point-of-view and I had a side job as a student assistant. So I would advise you to follow an accounting master programme at the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam, because it offers you so much more…

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