Frederique Baas

Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing gives you the right tools to become a real treasure hunter in a world of data overload

Frederique Baas

Student Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing

Why I chose Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing?

The moment I started the pre-master of Econometrics (I arrived at Erasmus School of Economics with a little detour), I knew already that I wanted to continue with the specialisation Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing. This specialisation was the most appealing to me, as this very emerging field has a technical as well as a practical side.

Become a real treasure hunter

It is very challenging to find valuable information in the huge amount of data that is gathered nowadays. As this amount is still increasing, the ability to process the data and draw useful conclusions and plausible predictions out of it is becoming more and more of importance. This programme gives you the tools to do so, to become a real treasure hunter.

Besides the analytical side, it is also important to have a good dose of social skills. You need to be able to explain your approach, convince people that your model is correct and help people to draw the right conclusions and make their process of decision-making easier.

If you like to be challenged, to translate your thoughts into action, to study hard, and if you are motivated: this programme is the way to get the most out of yourself.

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