Aron Hartveld

The specialisation Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing prepares you for a digital, data-driven time

Aron Hartveld

Student Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing

Strong focus on data analysis, statistics and computer science

Intellectually inspiring, excellent courses and a great starting point for your career. Based on these three themes, the specialisation Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing prepares you for a digital, data-driven time. Not only do you learn how to work with and analyse big data, but you learn how to use these insights in a business setting as well.

The course has a strong focus on data analysis, statistics and computer science. These skills enable you to analyse and solve the most interesting and challenging problems in business nowadays. The great part of the course is, that you are allowed to implement these skills in your case studies and master thesis, which can both be written at a big company. This way, you get prepared for both an academic and business career.

The labor market is booming

While most econometric careers start in finance, the commercial companies have noticed the advantages and opportunities of big data and analytics. The labor market is booming and companies are eager to hire their new business analyst or quantitative marketing specialists.

The programme Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing is a great choice for anyone who likes data analytics and wants to be prepared for the digitalization of business!

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