Tom Reijnen

Economics of Markets and Organisation provides you with all the skills required to excel in your future career

Tom Reijnen

Student Economics of Markets and Organisations

Why did I choose Economics of Management and Organisation?

Having completed a Business Administration Bachelor, I was looking for a more mathematical and analytical master. The Economics and Business programme with a specialisation in Economics of Markets and Organisations at Erasmus School of Economics offered exactly that.

The curriculum

In the course of the years, you learn how to apply mathematics to gain valuable insights from seemingly ambiguous situations. With a strong focus on micro-economics, you specifically look at how economics can explain an individual’s behaviour in a variety of situations. The programme is aimed at teaching you how to think like an economist, which I really like.

All subjects taught during the year provide you with the skills to understand complex econometric regressions, but also how to structurally approach a problem. I specifically liked the course Game Theory and its Applications, where you learn how to take other people’s decisions into consideration when determining your optimal actions. Moreover, the course Economics of Organisations incorporates this field of economics into real world situations to explain dynamics and incentives within firms.

I believe the programme is challenging, but provides you with a solid basis for a future career in any field. Whether you are looking for a career in consulting, HR or as a manager, I think this programme will genuinely serve your wishes.

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