Kristel Casander

I wanted to expand my knowledge in the fields of Economics and History.

Kristel Casander

Student Master Arts, Culture and Society

After studying Visual Art and Design Management (VADM) at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht and ArtHistory at VU University Amsterdam, I wanted to expand my knowledge of these two fields: Economics and History. I aimed to learn more about sociological theory by examining the motives that underlie Dutch cultural policies, as well as what drives people to participate in the cultural sector. And this master gave me the opportunity.

I am now employed by Voordekunst. This is the Netherlands’ first and largest online crowdfunding platform for arts and culture projects. The best thing about my job is my contacts with the community that has developed around this platform: the project owners and donors. Together we can achieve great things! And most importantly, at Voordekunst I can put my theoretical knowledge to practice.

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