Merel Keuper

Merel Keuper
I met many wonderful (international) people and made great friends - that's perhaps the most valuable of all.

Merel Keuper

Student Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

I started the master Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship because, after I had finished my studies at the Utrecht School of the Arts, I did not feel like entering the labour market and was looking for more deepening of my knowledge. Currently I am working at Douw&Koren Crowdfunding as Head of Special Projects. I am responsible for organizing Crowdfunding Day Europe, the largest crowdfunding conference in Europe. I also give workshops and presentations on crowdfunding to cultural institutions and non-profits.

The knowledge of money flows in the cultural sector and cultural policy that I have gained during my master makes that I easily connect with cultural institutions and am able to properly advise them on crowdfunding. In addition, the experience I gained as a student assistant of Prof. dr. Arjo Klamer by organizing the ACEI conference in Canada, proved to be a valuable basis for the many organizational challenges I face at Douw&Koren. Last but not least: during my masters programme I met many wonderful (international) people and made great friends - that's perhaps the most valuable of all.

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