Vivian Visser

The Master specialisation in Urban Studies provides her students a solid, critical and practical background whereby you’ll be well prepared for a career in either science or (non) governmental organisations.

Vivian Visser

Student Master in Sociology. Specialisation: Urban Studies

“After finishing my Bachelor in Philosophy, I’ve followed the pre-master Sociology in order to start the Master specialisation Urban Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. This was definitely the right choice! I truly enjoy the interesting and varied programme. I particularly appreciate the combination of a strong theoretical and practical approach. The assignments and lecturers always challenge the students to connect literature with actual urban phenomena and problems we all see around us – on national as well as international level. Moreover, the programme encourages us to critically lay bare the implicit presuppositions of policy and to come up with concrete recommendations for policymakers.      

An old Rotterdam credo says: “No words, but deeds.” Well, for this Master programme I would like to adapt this saying to: “It’s all about words and deeds.” It’s about finding the words behind the deeds and about finding the right words for your deeds. In other words: like in literature and empirical research, we learn to find the way to (hopefully) do the right deeds. Taken this altogether I’m convinced that the Master specialisation in Urban Studies provides her students a solid critical and practical background whereby you’ll be well prepared for a career in either science or (non) governmental organisations.  Therefore I would not hesitate to recommend this Master specialisation to anyone who has a broad interest in the issues of (big) cities now and in the future.”

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