Economics student Rui Bin (Richard) Feng (21) passed away

Economiestudent Rui Bin (Richard) Feng (21) overleden

With great sadness the Management Team of Erasmus School of Economics informs you about the sudden death of economics student Rui Bin (Richard) Feng on Monday November 6, 2017. At the time of death Richard Feng was in Shanghai, China, where he obtained his education as an exchange student at the School of Economics of Fudan University.

In recent days, there has been contact with Richard's family. They have informed us that, due to the duration of repatriation, the farewell ceremony will take place at the end of November in Almelo. More detailed information will be shared soon.

The family has informed us that Richard’s friends and fellow students are welcome to attend the farewell ceremony. However, they have expressed their wish to sign up in advance. For this, you can contact Ronald de Groot, Communication Officer of Erasmus School of Economics:

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