Rosalba Icaza contributes to a special issue on Diversity in Higher Education of Dutch Journal on Pedagogy Studies

Rosalba Icaza
Rosalba Icaza

Dr Icaza's research findings as UvA Diversity Commission member were published in the article: Intersectionality and Diversity Research in Higher Education.

This special issue further features work by diversity experts in the Netherlands such as Isabel Hoving, Hans Jansen and Gloria Wekker.

In her article, Icaza asks: What is ‘intersectionality’ and why does it matter to teachers and researchers of diversity in higher education?

She approaches intersectionality not just as concept that allows a critical enquiry into how class, gender and race shape society but also as praxis for social justice (Birge and Hill Collins 2016). The article is not so much focused on explaining what intersectionality is but on what intersectionality does to research on diversity in higher education (Birge and Hill Collins 2016). It does so by presenting what intersectionality did to the research the authors conducted as members of the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Diversity Committee during 2016.

In particular, the article analyses Rosalba Icaza’s team findings on UvA's decision-making processes and their impact on diversity ­– of who teaches (instructors), to whom (students) and what is taught (curricula).

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