Upcoming Institutional audit

The institutional audit for Erasmus University will take place in this academic year 2017-2018 and consists of multiple visits by a NVAO audit panel.

Every six years the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) determines whether the institution’s internal quality assurance system, in interconnection with its quality culture, safeguards the realisation of its vision of good education.

The NVAO also reviews the quality assurance on faculty level, by interviews and so-called “audit trails”, on issues like studying with a disability, examination etc. Erasmus University will provide a self-assessment report, based on four standards as prescribed by the NVAO (Vision and policy, Implementation, Evaluation and monitoring and Focus on development).

The institutional audit for Erasmus University will take place in the coming academic year and consists of multiple visits by an NVAO audit panel. On November 30 and December 1, the first site visit will take place. Based on this site visit, the panel determines which trails are chosen (and which faculties), followed by the second site visit on 17, 18 and 19 January 2018.

The audit panel wants to speak with different people, therefore each faculty has to provide a list of participants for these meetings. Based on this list, panels will be assembled after selection of participants by the deans and the Executive Board. A list of participants representing Erasmus School of Economics already has been provided.

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