How are the Sustainable Development Goals conditioned by poverty, inequality and power relations?

Joop de Wit
Joop de Wit

ISS Senior Lecturer Joop de Wit to present a paper on 'Dynamics of Social and Politcal Exclusion in Mumbai, India: a Patronage-based perspective'

He will present the paper duirng an international workshop on ‘The Politics of Inclusion’ organized by CROP (Comparative Research Programme on Poverty) and UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST).

The paper is based on his recent book 'Urban Poverty, Local Governance and Everyday Politics in Mumbai' (Routledge 2017).

About the workshop

The workshop will focus on examining how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and related targets aimed at social and economic inclusion are conditioned by poverty, inequality and power relations, as well as on the types of social transformations that may be capable of changing the dynamics that keep people disadvantaged.

It will critically assess both theoretical perspectives and empirical analysis, in order to discuss the potential contribution of the social and human sciences to reduce poverty and promote social justice. It will furthermore target ways in which collaboration between UN entities and research networks and institutions could facilitate a shift in public policy-oriented analysis: from policy to politics and from particular anti-poverty interventions to longer-term development strategies focusing on social and economic inclusion.

The workshop will take place on 6-7 July 2017 at the UNESCO headquaters in Paris.

Meer informatie

Full details of the workshop are availble on the UNESCO website

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