A very, very special Airbnb opportunity in Rotterdam

A very, very special Airbnb opportunity in Rotterdam

Sander Waterval is not only an Erasmus alumnus, but also one of the people behind the Red Apple Marina. Besides other special features, this small Rotterdam harbour has one unique attraction: the Wikkelboat is a tiny floating house. And it’s for rent.

The Red Apple Marina was an idea of the residents of the Red Apple condos in the Rotterdam Maritime District, which was realized through crowd funding. The Wikkelboat is its masterpiece. Fully equipped (including two beds and a conference room) it mainly consists of elements that are wrapped in 24 layers of corrugated board that are made waterproof. It’s sustainable, can be built within a day and transferred when necessary. And you can sleep in it!

Unique hotel
The Wikkelboat is mainly meant to host local residents, in order for them to enjoy a coffee, conduct meetings, have barbecues and just relax together. But through Airbnb everyone can book the Wikkelboat. Costs vary from between €89 to €199 a night.

The official opening of the Wikkelboat is on July 2nd, during the first ever Rotterdam Water Weekend.

Sources: NRC Handelsblad, the Red Apple Marina


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