Localizing the ‘Global’: Global Development and Social Justice in Practice - Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts for the 15th Development Dialogue to be held at ISS on 11-13 October 2017

 The Development Dialogue is an annual academic conference organized by ISS PhD researchers. This year's event is an attempt raise discussions on the vital issue of ‘praxis’, particularly referring to the experiences and responsibilities of PhD researchers in engaging with their research, when engaging with literature, discourses, and with fieldwork.

Call for abstracts

•    Deadline for abstract submission: 24 May 2017, by 23:59 CET
•    Feedback on abstracts: By 15 June 2017
•    Deadline for the submission of full papers: 31 July 2017, by 23:59 CET

Format of abstracts

Please ensure that your abstracts are in the correct format. The incorrect format may lead to your abstract being disqualified.

  • Abstracts should contain clear arguments of the paper in reference to the theme/sub-theme(s) of this year’s Development Dialogue.
  • Abstracts should also contain a clear reference to the research objective and question, research methodology, and overview of the main findings and conclusions regarding relevance of the study in academic, policy or practitioners’ debates.
  • Abstracts should be written in English, in Times New Roman 12 (singled spaced = 1.0) and should be between 300-500 words (including title, and sub-title, reference, name of the researcher as well as affiliated institution).


  1. All applicants must fill in the application form provided for the conference. The first page of the form covers personal information of the applicants, and the second page of the form contains the abstract.
  2. Please send the form containing your abstract to the following email address: dd15@iss.nl. Due to the large number of applications, confirming the reception of your email is not a standard procedure.
  3. Include the following information in both the abstract and email:
  • Your full name
  • Your country of residence
  • The institute you are affiliated with
  • The number of years you have been affiliated with this institute
  • Your current position at this institute (job description)
Meer informatie

Full details of the conference, including the application procedure and form are available on the DD15 web page.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen