4 Alumni in Royal Network

4 Alumni in Royal Network

On 17 August 2016, Magazine Elsevier released a detailed article highlighting His Royal Heighness King Willem Alexander's network. Among other Royal Families, and Family we found 4 Alumni of Erasmus School of Economics. See the list below:

The four alumni of Erasmus School of Economics as described in the Article: 

Chris Breedveld (Graduated in 1986) – Director of the King's Cabinet

At first, Breedveld did communication of the House, but has now been placed as the Director: the political secretariat. They maintain the contact with ministers of Government, and writes notes for the King and sends letters directed at the King to other ministries. The King and Breedveld meet every Friday. 

Edwin Brouwers (Graduated in 1994) – Treasurer

The treasurer of the Royal House comes from the Rabobank. The Business Economist and Accountant is in charge of controlling the private and corporate finances of the King and other members of Royal Family. 

Gita Salden (Graduated in 1992) - Chairman 'Stichting Wijzer in Geldzaken'

Not everyone can deal with money responsibly. In order to promote responsible money handling, 'Stichting Wijzer in Geldzaken'  was created. Queen Maxima is Honorary Chairman of this foundation. Salden is director Financial Markets and deputy treasurer-general at the Ministry of Finance. She received Royal honours for her role as project leader in the Credit Crisis at the Ministry.  

Pieter Duisenberg (Graduated 1990) – Friend

Son of the late Wim Duisenberg, Former president of the Central Bank, Pieter Duisenberg went to the same school (Eerste Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceam) as the King and his brothers in The Hague. Currently acting as a Member of Parliament (VVD), Duisenberg comes from the business world and worked at companies such as Shell and Eneco. 

Read more about the King and Queen's Network on Elsevier

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