Auma Okwany wins EP-Nuffic NICHE project grant

Auma Okwany
Auma Okwany

Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education project grant to address Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda.

Dr. Auma Okwany, ISS Assistant Professor, supported by Dr. Veronika Goussatchenko, ISS Project Officer, have won a 3.7 million Euro grant to implement a four-year project titled: ‘Strengthening education and training capacity in sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) programmes in Uganda’ under the EP-Nuffic NICHE programme. ISS project partner is Rutgers Foundation.

The project, which starts in December 2016, will be co-implemented by Makerere University, School of Public Health and Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development

Project components and outcome 

The project has five key components:

  • Enhancement of Organizational Capacity;
  • Professional and Academic SRHR curriculum development;
  • Delivery of professional, Masters and PhD training and education programmes;
  • Demand-driven policy-relevant research and knowledge creation; and
  • Policy and practice engagement (outreach and advocacy).

The intended policy outcome of the project is to increase access and improve the quality of SRHR services in Uganda. 

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