Successful PhD defence by Tsegaye Moreda Shegro

Tsegaye Moreda Shegro
Tsegaye Moreda Shegro

'The Political Economy of the Land-Livelihoods Nexus in an Era of Ecological Change and The Global Land Rush - Access to Land, Land Conflict and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Ethiopia'

On Friday 18 November Tsegaye Moreda Shegro successfully defended his PhD thesis on 'The Political Economy of the Land-Livelihoods Nexus in an Era of Ecological Change and The Global Land Rush - Access to Land, Land Conflict and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Ethiopia'.

Based on twelve months of field research in the Amhara and the Benishangul-Gumuz regions, this thesis – informed by the study of agrarian political economy, complemented with political ecology and livelihoods perspectives – examines the land-livelihoods nexus in the context of two dramatic changes in objective conditions:

  • political-ecological changes in which the land-livelihoods nexus has been impacted;
  • the context of the global “land rush”, in which Ethiopia is a hotspot, which puts further pressure on the land access by smallholders or landless in various regions of the country.

In pictures

Photos of the PhD defence

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