ISS staff open NEDWORC Symposium

Photo by Miriam Langeveld
Photo by Miriam Langeveld

Karin Astrid Siegmann and Kees Biekart give keynote lectures

Karin Astrid Siegmann and Kees Biekart opened the NEDWORC Symposium celebrating the 30th anniversary of the NEDWORC Association, a professional network of Dutch Development Cooperation Experts.

Karin Astrid Siegmann’s contribution, entitled 'Questioning Northern Advice: Three Steps Back, One Ahead', engaged critically with the question of whether and how the knowledge of Northern consultants can contribute to social transformation in a post-colonial setting.

Kees Biekart’s keynote address looked into whether development consultants can also be activists for progressive change.

Both inputs provoked lively discussions among the approximately 100 participants of the Symposium.

The Symposium on 'The role of independent experts in innovation and transformation for sustainable and inclusive development' took place in Amsterdam on 30 September 2016. 

(With thanks to Miriam Langeveld for the use of the photo).

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