ISS selected to carry out evaluation of maternal and child health project in Ethiopia

ISS to lead the evaluation of this Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) managed project

ISS and EUR (Institute of Health Policy and Management) and Georg-August Universitat Gottingen have won the tender to evaluate this project entitled 'Boosting Maternal and Child Health in Wollega, Ethiopia'.

ISS team members involved in this project are Professor Arjun Bedi and Dr. Natascha Wagner and the overall project leader is Dr. Ellen van der Poel from the Institute of Health Policy and Management and co-director of the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative.

About the project

The primary objective of this ORIO project (see below) is to improve the quality of maternal health care services to a target population of more than 4.6 million residing in Wollega, Ethiopia.

The project is expected to start in November 2016 and end in the 1st quarter of 2020.

The Facility for Infrastructure Development (ORIO), implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims at encouraging the development of public infrastructure in developing countries.

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