Professor Irene van Staveren joint coordinator of Rethinking Economics

Irene van Staveren
Irene van Staveren

ISS professor Irene van Staveren is part of a group of economists which has set up Rethinking Economics NL, a network of students, academics and passionate thinkers coming together to diversify and reinvigorate economics.

Irene was recently interviewed about the setting up of Rethinking Economics NL (for English subtitles please press the cc button on the bottom right corner of the video).

RE:NL Interview with Irene van Staveren from Rethinking Economics NL on Vimeo.

As professor of pluralist development economics, Irene van Staveren carries out research in the fields of feminist economics, heterodox economics, pluralist economics and social economics. Specifically, her field of expertise lie in ethics and economic philosophy.

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