ISS research is 'Excellent'

High scores for ISS research in external assessment

In November 2017, an International Peer Review Committee carried out an assessment of the ISS research programme Global Development and Social Justice. The committee was chaired by Professor Jayati Ghosh, professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India.

'Excellent' ISS research

ISS research was rated according to three main criteria as specified in the Standard Evaluation Protocol 2015-2021:

  1. Research quality (very good towards excellence)

The quality of the research programme was awarded  a score of 2 (very good). The committee added that ISS deserves a score between 1 and 2 as we tend towards excellence.

  1. Relevance to society (world leading/excellent)

The relevance to society of the ISS research programme was awarded  a score of 1 (excellent). The committee specified that ‘the ISS record on relevance to society is excellent, and that it has and will continue to make an outstanding contribution to society - internationally as well as at home in Dutch society’.

  1. Viability (world leading/excellent)

Also with regard to viability the committee awarded the research programme a score of 1 (excellent).

The committee commented on:

  • institutional viability: ‘While the institutional viability of ISS was already strong, it so happens that it has been greatly enhanced by the relationship with EUR…’
  • PhD programme:  ‘One of the most marked changes in recent years has been the very rapid increase in numbers of PhD students…. Our impression is that the PhD students are attracted to ISS largely because of its reputation for critical engagement, and a sense of community….’.
  • financial viability: ‘….the financial situation of ISS looks quite healthy as …..  the expected revenue from PhD defences is quite substantial, contract revenue is rising, and the ISS reserves are quite healthy.’
  • leadership and governance:  ‘The current leadership has clearly displayed a combination of dynamism, flexibility, willingness to listen and innovation that appears to have served the Institute well.’

On the issue of research integrity, the committee concluded that it ‘was more than satisfied that ISS recognises the importance of establishing a strong and effective policy regarding research integrity’.

On the issue of diversity, the committee points out that ‘ISS has been known for its emphasis on diversity, both in terms of its student intake and its faculty.’

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