The future of the Past

vrijdag 26 jan 2018, 15:30 - 17:00
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The urban landscape in Europe has witnessed dramatic changes in the past 65 years. A number of political, social and economic transformations determine its present condition and appearance. The restoration of Europe right after the World War II was carried out according to Modernistic ideas. Subsequent periods of Urban Development followed. At the moment we are in the middle of the fourth phase of Urban Development. Each of these phases has its own peculiarities and always ends in a social-economic crisis. The last crisis we witnessed was the credit-crunch about 10 years ago. What will do this with the Urban Development trend?

In this lecture, Max will go into the international similarities in this process and will illustrate them with typical European projects from France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, in different periods of time. Based on this, he will show the recent trends in cities and metropolitan areas. Growing real estate prices can be found in a few prosperous cities and/or metropolitan areas, such as London, Paris, Milan, Munich, Berlin and Moscow. Other areas stay behind. Why? With this information, he will predict future Urban Development trends in Europe.

  • How will our future city look like? 
  • What are the main trends?
  • How will Real Estate do in the future?
  • How will mobility change and, very important, what will do this to the inhabitants?

About the lecturer

Max Jeleniewski, MSc.

Max Jeleniewski has more than thirty years experience in restructuring, implementing and managing Urban Development Programmes for Local Governments in several European cities.

During the many years of working he built up long term international experience in lecturing, publishing and advising on Inner City Development, e.g. for IHS (Rotterdam), ESAN (Lima), UPEC (France), University of Brighton (UK) and AINova (Slovakia).

In the Netherlands, he is co-founder and lecturer at the Orbiters Academy and works for the local government of The Hague as Manager Inner City. He also worked 10 years for the Urban Development Department (OBR) for City of Rotterdam.

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