More billionaires than ever

Bas Jacobs, Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Finance and Economic Policy at Erasmus School of Economics

On Saturday 27 January 2018 Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Finance and Economic Policy at Erasmus School of Economics, was a guest in the Dutch radio station NPO Radio 1 programma dr. Kelder & Co.

Last week in the Swiss Davos it appeared that the already very small group of rich people are getting even richer. If nothing will change, those people will have to start worrying about a possible revolution of the less fortunate. In Davos the development organization Oxfam presented an overview of the inequality in the world. There are 2043 billionaires who together acquire all the new wealth in the world. Concerning this subject Bas Jacobs appears in the NPO Radio 1 programma dr. Kelder & Co in a discussion with Jort Kelder.

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