Vidi Grant for labour economist Olivier Marie

Erasmus School of Economics

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Endowed Professor Olivier Marie of Erasmus School of Economics a Vidi grant for his project entitled: “The Non-Making of a Criminal”.  The Vidi grant of up to 800,000 euros is awarded to researchers who, after obtaining their doctorate, have conducted research successfully for a number of years. This Vidi grant enables Olivier Marie to conduct his research, along with a team of junior researcher, for a period of five years.

Economics Department Director of Erasmus School of Economics Professor Otto Swank is delighted with the performance of Olivier Marie: ‘I am enormously proud of Olivier, who works tirelessly to sharpen his ideas and to deliver top quality research. This success also shows that the School’s permanent emphasis on quality pays.’

Short summary of Olivier Marie’s research project

Crime has recently fallen significantly in the Netherlands with 25% less offences committed than a decade ago. The overall cost of crime to society has simultaneously increased making each offence committed ever more expensive and thus urgent to better understand this crime drop to further improve crime prevention efficiency. The main objectives of this project are twofold. First, advance scientific knowledge of the causes of crime. Second, propose novel efficient policy tools to prevent it. Crucially, it will seek to achieve both these goals while simultaneously developing the concept of a life-cycle approach as the norm in economics of crime research.

About Olivier Marie

Olivier Marie, who was appointed Endowed Professor of Labour Economics at Erasmus School of Economics in August 2017, has focused on two main research projects over the last 8 years. He has studied the link between education and criminal decision making of youths as part of his Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship. He has also investigated labour market and crime dynamics in the context of his NWO Veni grant. This naturally evolving research agenda has enabled him to construct a unique new picture of the complex feedbacks that exist between education, labour market, and criminal participation over an individual’s life. It led to a number of publications in the most influential generalist peer reviewed economics journals, in 2017 in both the Journal of Political Economy and the Review of Economic Studies. His research also receives a lot of attention in non-academic circles, for instance in news outlets like The Economist, The Washington Post, The Guardian, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Telegraph and Bild Zeitung.

Meer informatie

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Communications Officer at Erasmus School of Economics:, mobile phone: +31 6 53641 846.

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