Fatma Köse

Fatma Köse
I wholeheartedly recommend this master's programme to everyone who has a genuine interest in migration issues and is open to embarking on an enriching and challenging academic adventure.

Fatma Köse

Alumna Governance of Migration and Diversity (Public Administration)

After completing my Bachelor of Business Administration and acquiring two years of professional experience in the private sector, I found myself having doubts about my chosen career path. I began to realize that it may be more appropriate for me to pursue a field that holds greater social relevance. Upon immigrating to the Netherlands and participating in a consultancy internship, my understanding of my desired professional field became much clearer. I aspired to contribute my skills and effort to a society that values and embraces diversity. Consequently, I applied exclusively to the GMD programme as it aligns perfectly with my aspirations. This programme has proven exceptionally rewarding, not only due to its multidisciplinary approach to migration studies but also because it has prompted me to critically examine the prevailing narratives surrounding migration and migrants. Presently, compared to a year ago, I feel significantly more intellectually and personally developed. I wholeheartedly recommend this master's programme to everyone who has a genuine interest in migration issues and is open to embarking on an enriching and challenging academic adventure.

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